Kimberly Marin is an acupuncture physician and registered dietitian, revitalizing lives through health, vitality, and happiness through acupuncture, herbs and nutrition.
When Kimberly’s oldest son was about 3 1/2 years old, he was diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome. Absolutely devastated, and her heart torn into a million pieces, Kimberly envisioned what her sons life would be like, and she made the decision that he would never live that life. She dove into research, and read all of the medical literature she could find to see if there was a correlation between children suffering from Tourette’s and any type of deficiencies or problems processing nutrients.
Being a dietician, Kimberly chose a different approach for her son, and focused on nutrition first, rather than strong Western drugs, which probably saved his life. Through more research, Kimberly came across a Chinese medicine procedure called NAET, a natural allergy elimination technique. And through this procedure, within a month, her son’s tics disappeared, and his Tourette’s was eliminated.
Kimberly went on to practice NAET with her dietetics license, and learned about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the foundation of NAET, and became an acupuncture physician. She fell in love with the power of this ancient medicine, and now her specialty is helping women with hormone imbalance and helping people heal their bodies, minds, spirits, and souls.
Listen in as Kimberly Marin discusses how she combines eastern and western medicine, how health leads to wealth, and how to meditate your way to success.
“I never discouraged my patients from doing western medicine at the same time that they were coming to me and I think that was a big component of not only my success of my practice but also my patients’ success.” – Kimberly Marin
Show Notes:
- How health leads to wealth
- Why Kimberly Marin started her practice
- How to become an acupuncturist
- How Kimberly diagnosed her son’s Tourette’s syndrome
- Combining eastern and western medicine
- How acupuncture can incorporate western medicine
- How meditation leads to success
- What is our main health problem
“Time and time again I found that if we did a little western to control symptoms while I was able to address the root causes, they would get better in half the time.” – Kimberly Marin
Links Mentioned:
- Tourette Syndrome
- Affluent Minds: Core Expressions for a Rich and Wonderful Life
- Connect with Kimberly Marin: